BUVANOLS rust conventer, 500ml
Product information
The images are illustrative. Product design, packaging and descriptions may vary for different production batches.
The images are illustrative. Product design, packaging and descriptions may vary for different production batches.
Rust modifcator – for treatment of rusty ferrous metal surfaces before their priming and painting. The effect of the product is optimal if thickness of the rust layer
does not exceed 100 microns. The product may be used in car repair work, as well as treatment of metal constructions, containers and any other ferrous metal product. Buvanol not only chemically modifies the rust layer, but also hampers formation of a new rust layer
Capacity: 500ml
Package: 20 pieces
Palette: 600 pieces
Barcode: 4750104601103
Aqua, ortophosphoric acid, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, tannic acid, methenamine, sodium hexametaphosphate
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